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Monday, 30 July 2012

Info Post
I am pleased to inform readers I was recently welcomed by Examiner to contribute quality articles on ufology and the paranormal. I look forward to continuing my commitment to publishing credible information on often incredible subjects.

Such topics as reasoning skills, commonly held perspectives and accurately differentiating between fact and supposition were explored in my Examiner post, Applying critical thinking to ufology. An excerpt:
Maybe you consider yourself what has come to be known as an alien abductee, or maybe one night you awoke to find some kind of entity in the room. Maybe you just stepped out for a smoke one time and if you had not happened to glance right where you did at precisely the moment you looked, you would be reading something entirely different right now. One way or the other, there are plenty of people who say something paranormal is going on, and they have been saying so for a long time now.

A relevant question becomes whether or not competent reasoning can ever be applied to the often incredible dogma of the UFO community. Is ufology ready to apply critical thinking?


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